Thunder Bluff Debate...

In Dornogal

This month's Topic:Beledar: The Emperor's Vision --- What is it really? And is the Dark Shift Evil?Want to take a side/be a presenter? Perhaps "security?" see rules & volunteer for info & to apply.Date & Time: Tuesday February 18 2025 at 6pm server/pstLocation: Dornogal on WrA, Keeper's TerraceDM Okwaho the night of the event for raid invite

This Month's Topic Will Be:

Beledar: The Emperor's Vision --- What is it really? And is the Dark Shift Evil?

We talked about the light and faith in the last debate... but what about the Dark, the Void, and especially as it pertains to Beledar?
Expect this one to get heated and show us how clever you are as you consider and promote your ideas on what Beledar is and just why it started going dark... and remember to talk about what goes on when it does shift...
Just some questions to start us off, but I am sure there are others.

Debate Dos and Dont's

What to Expect:
Looking for 2 to 4 characters to take up a position, start off the debate with an opening statement, respond to any questions or concerns from audience members about their stance, and then make a closing statement.
The night of the event, after opening remarks, audience members can msg the host that they would like to make a statement or ask a question of one or more of the panel. The host will call upon you when it is your turn.Alliance, Horde, and Neutral members of Azeroth are invited. Please have elixirs of tongue handy.

A few ground rules:
---This is a debate, a forum to share ideas in a calm and reasonable manner. Violence will not be tolerated and any attempt to start a fight, whether with weapon or without, you will be escorted out.
---Take turns speaking and do not talk over one another. The host will let you know when it is your turn.---If you are one of the speakers, please have your opening argument pre-written.---Keep an open mind, you might find we have more in common and points we can agree upon that may lead to further agreements in the future.---Expect the event, with active participation, to last 2+ hours. If you have to leave early and want to ask a question or comment from the audience let Okwaho know early on so we can hear your thoughts on the matter before you have to leave.

Need Speakers and

Security cough cough

In all seriousness, we do need volunteers to be on the panel of speakers. Usually 2 to 4 volunteers willing to put forth an argument and engage with the audience as they ask questions.A couple characters patrolling in case a fight breaks out or someone throws a rotten tomato from the stands, would help for RP flavor, but most of the time the event stays peaceful.

Contact info:
Discord DM okwahoredwood
In game mail Okwaho
Join the redwood tribes discord